I must vent before I explode. This is Scott’s weekend to work and I always get like this. It’s just very hard to take care of Emma 12 hours a day without talking to another adult face to face for three days in a row. I’m only on day 2 but I’m already getting stressed over little things. Emma did NOT want to take a nap. I even resorted to the Wiggles tape so she would sit still in my lap long enough to fall asleep. Then, when I put her in her crib she woke up crying, which she doesn’t do anymore, I really don’t know what’s going on with her today. Then, in the midst of this, Scott calls and says why don’t we have my parents over for Father’s Day. (they live an hour away mind you and only come once every few months down here). This is in the midst of Emma’s extreme tiredness and I just said whatever you want to do, bye. So, hours go by and I hadn’t heard whether they were coming. I finally call Scott to see and they are coming, tonight! As in, a few hours. What?? Why didn’t you call me so I could get this house clean. We are now 6 days away from moving and this house is a disaster! No way am I letting my clean freak in-laws see what a wreck this place is. (Not that they would EVER say anything or even think of it, but it would hurt my own pride). THEN, Scott had the nerve to start lecturing me for calling him and yelling at him when he was working a fatality wreck. Now that’s really sad, I mean really, it is. BUT HOW IN THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT?? ARRGGHH!! Now I’m flying around here just trying to get enough walking space much less actually CLEAN anything. And what I really need to be doing is packing. No, actually, what I really need to be doing is napping too! I am tired! My back hurts again and darn it, I am trying to grow a baby in here!! Ok, I guess enough whining for now.