Wow, that was a fantabulous episode. Let’s hit the highlights
- Audrina and Justin Bobby – First off, why does Justin Bobby have to look so bad all the time? And I can’t believe how he was acting at the bar. Kissing her and then groping her coming out. And THEN laughing at Audrina. Apparently the alcohol and drugs didn’t cloud his brain too much to sweet talk Audrina though. He was pretty good at that. And she fell for it. I could not believe she got in that car with him. She should have left his butt there. But I was quite proud she held her ground the next day and broke it off with him. Finally. I can’t believe he had the nerve to deny anything happened. But then again, maybe he truly doesn’t remember what happened. Although let’s remark on the fact that Justin Bobby had cleaned and sobered himself up for this last meeting and actually looked dare I say quite rugged and handsome. Still. I’m glad it’s over. Finito.
- Spencer’s sister – I don’t like Stephanie just about as much as I don’t like Spencer. You can tell they were cut from the same cloth. Lauren and Brody handled her confrontation well and made Stephanie and Roxy look stupid. They had to tuck their tails and run from that one.
- Heidi and Spencer – I think Heidi is finally seeing the light with Spencer. His sister didn’t help her brother in that regard. In fact, don’t you think Spencer and Stephanie should just get married?? They seem to agree on everything.
As for scenes for next week, they look just as great if not better than this week. I may just get my wish and not only have Justin Bobby gone but also have Heidi dump Spencer for good. I can’t believe she actually yelled at Spencer. I didn’t think it was in Heidi. I’ll be surprised if she doesn’t give into his apologies once again but I feel like she’s at least starting to see he’s not the be all end all.