I had a long list of things to do this evening.
- Do laundry
- Pay bills
- Grocery shopping
- Fill in rebates
- Exchange jacket at Old Navy
- Fill out work forms
- Take movies back to Blockbuster
I only partially got #1 done and got #2, 4 and 5 done. Want to know why?
I may have a kidney stone and I spent the evening at the doctor.
We went to Mom’s to eat and drop the girls off to spend the night and a dull pain started in my lower back. I started to feel tired and weird. I knew something wasn’t right. So we took off for the emergency care center. He did an x-ray and urine and blood tests. He said it’s not an infection but I do have blood in my urine. He believes it might be a kidney stone and sent me home with narcotics and a strainer. One other possibility is stool is causing pain passing through. For once I’m hoping I have gas.