Dani was just blogging yesterday about her three daughters’ sense of style. It’s been amazing to me to see my own girls’ style evolve as they have gotten old enough to pick their clothes. For a very long time, Emma could care less about what she wore. I put on a matching outfit and she didn’t think twice what was going over her head before school. In the past year or so she has definitely started paying attention.
Emma is feminine all the way. One of her favorite outfits this summer is a tan animal print tank with gold glitter and a cream lace vest. She loves her ruffled gold sandals. Many of her things are light colors with flowers or a butterfly. All very girly and stylish. She likes delicate things that fit her small frame well. If I would let her she would wear a simple tank and a short flair skirt all the time. She also has a casual side to her and is very happy in t-shirts, jean shorts and converse tennis shoes. This past winter she loved her skinny jeans and riding boots, as pictured above.
Lexi is feminine as well but with an edge. She likes bold, bright colors. She doesn’t shy away from black or animal prints. If something has sequins or glitter, she’s all for it. She is a huge accessory girl. Just today she was playing and had a black sequined hat, bright purple glitter scarf on with a hot pink, green and yellow printed tank. The girl loves prints and color! She’s been known to walk around in earrings and necklaces several sizes too big. She likes to say she’s very “fashiony”. But she also has a casual side to her and is happy in a simple shirt, cargo shorts and crocs.
It will be interesting in the next few weeks as we begin school shopping to see what they go for as they head into new grades. With a summer nearly past us now they haven’t had their friends nearby to influence their style. Just a few days ago Emma said she wanted converse high tops which seemed to come out of nowhere; they certainly did not get a love of high top converse shoes from me! I can’t wait to see how their style evolves as they get into adolescence and teenage years, but then again, I think my wallet is screaming that it can wait!
I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and jcpenney blogging program, for a gift card worth $50. For more information on how you can participate, click here.