This week has been intensely insane.
Monday was our first bible study. I felt very prepared when I was there and it went very smoothly. All the girls and leaders seemed to have good reviews afterwards. There is one girl who has, uh, issues and it might be interesting to see how that plays out.
So Tuesday I had something to do but I can’t think of what I did. Wednesday was the Parents dinner for the youth so I spent the whole afternoon and evening at the church. Thursday we did grocery shopping and went to Cracker Barrel with Mom and Dad before Mom and Heather left for Colorado. And Friday. Oh lovely Friday. I worked that morning and then left for work at 3:45 to do an implementation. I didn’t get home at 11:15 that night. Then sporadically worked until 5 on Saturday. In between, I went to see E in the hospital nursery and cleaned the house. Sunday was church and I took a nap in between church. I was up again at 6 this morning working when my pager went off multiple times. We have one more job today that runs at 5 that I need to verify. Hopefully it will not interfere with bible study tonight.
I feel a little less prepared for tonight’s bible study than last week. I’ve just been so busy with work that I haven’t had much time to prepare. I barely got through Sunday School on Sunday. Scott was there so he could help fill in some gaps a little. Or at least make me feel like I wasn’t a dork trying to teach by myself.
Pretty much, I’m exhausted. And we’re not nearly done with stuff at work. Bible study is another 6 weeks and of course Sunday School is the entire church year. I was thinking about entering some stuff in a Consignment sale this weekend but I just don’t want to add anything to my list of stuff to do. I really love studying for bible study and Sunday school and working on the youth group’s web site. If that’s all I had to do (except of course raising two children) and not have to work professionally, I think I would be set. Except of course those little things called bills. Oh well, here I go complaining again about such a wonderful job I have and I don’t want to, I just am feeling a little overwhelmed right now.