I heart Target. Seriously. I can’t remember the last time I was at Wally World and I’m perfectly fine with that. But today I was very unhappy with them. The girls got several gifts for the birthday that were exact duplicates for what they already have and then a few that were too old for them. So I decided to take some stuff back. This was during the potty training excursion today so I thought I would use the money to pay for all that stuff. I had over $40 in toys to take back. But get this. The lady tells me since I had no receipt, the rule is that you can only use your driver’s license two times and each visit can only be up to $20. Well, apparently I have used up my limit this year and they wouldn’t let me take back a single thing.
And two of those toys are exclusive to Target and they’re the ones we have exact duplicates of.
I don’t understand the reasoning for these rules and I don’t like them. If it’s obvious the stuff was bought at Target, they should take it back. No matter what.
So now I don’t know what to do with my stuff. My choices at this point are donate them to one of our families this year for the angel tree, sell on ebay, sell at work or re-gift this year to someone that wasn’t at the birthday party which will be hard since just about everyone we give gifts to were there.
So that is strike 1 against Target and it’s a big one. Sorry, Tar-jay. I still heart you.
And this would be a great opportunity to tell you Jaynee is giving away a gift card from there. So go comment and good luck. I think 😉
um, why don’t I just take them back and give you the money/ card???
Sure, if you haven’t used your limit either, that’d be great.