Yes, I’m beginning to believe potty training is a magic trick, an illusion of the mind where it appears to work for everyone else and yet when I try said illusioin at my house, it is nothing but a failure, full of dirty panties, wet beds, too many wipes, stressed kids and a disappointed and almost angry mother.
Potty training went so well a few months ago. Emma finally had given up going #2 and was completely trained while Lexi quickly caught on to peeing in the potty yet found that pooping in the same place was unacceptable and continued to do so in her panties. Fine. I could clean panties if that’s the only thing I had to do.
But now, Emma has wet the bed two nights in the past week and has suddenly went #2 in her panties again. I know it was partly my fault for getting lax on her um, laxative but still. If the girl has to go, she’s old enough to make it to the potty.
So between cleaning Lexi’s panties and Emma’s several times a day and then Emma wetting the bed last night again at 2:30 and causing me to sleep on the couch for most of the night because they were all sent to my bed with Scott, I’m not a happy camper about this whole potty training thing.
Our 2 1/2 year old refuses to go potty when we ask her. We recently started following up every “I don’t have to go potty” with “If you won’t go potty then we will put a pull-up on you.” She immediately runs to the bathroom and does her stuff.
Amy’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday: Birthday Surprise
This part can suck, but remember, they won’t be doing this when they go to college. This too shall pass, and very quickly. I try to tell myself this all the time!
EDW’s last blog post..It wasn’t a rock, it was a rock…
EDW, I say that all the time, actually. I guess I need to start repeating it to myself to believe it.
Amy, I tried the pull-up threat on Emma after she had another accident today and she was not very happy about the idea. We’ll see if it was enough. But Emma is so compliant if I tell her she’s going to wear a pull-up she’ll probably protest once and then be all, ok, Mommy. The good news is that Emma stayed dry last night.