I’m not sure I could have come up with more boring hometown dates. I think they made Ed and Jake come back just so they could have a decent episode. Ok, not really, but wow. I was almost hoping for a dove burial. The best we got was a lasag-nah taste test.
Maybe my problem was I watched the show a little backwards. I started watching right when Jake came in, watched to the end and then started with the dates from the beginning.
So let’s try to start this at the beginning.
Reid – I really, really like Reid still. Jill seemed to fit in great with them and I think Reid is really falling for her. Him doing the PDA thing in front of his family was really cute. Hometown date with Reid was a big score for me.
Michael – Poor Michael. He was great with his family. His twin Steve talking about them and their plans for their wives was sweet even though a little creepy. It was really sweet with this sister coming all the way from Australia. It was clear he was close with his family. But I felt like all his family could offer her was how funny Michael was.
Kiptyn – For the first time this season, I’m really, really concerned about Kiptyn. I’m not a big fan of those “games” families play. And then the mother even hinted that she was overbearing and THEN stood at the door watching them in the hot tub. You have no idea how many red flags went up. And I’m still very concerned that he’s the one with the “mechanical problem” next week.
Jesse – Jillian didn’t seem to fit in Jesse’s family if you ask me. His brother seemed shocked that he would have kids so quickly. His brother just scared me a bit. Jillian still seemed to have doubts about Jesse. I just didn’t get a good feeling coming out of that one.
Wes – The band? Really? Could he BE more obvious? And Jillian was falling for it HARD. And his family? Seemed just as over the moon about Wes. I don’t know. Maybe it’s all editing and Wes is the nice guy. But Jake? He’s the straight and narrow and I trust him. So if he says he has a girlfriend, Wes has a girlfriend. Maybe he likes Jillian and he’s broken up with Laurel in his head. I don’t know! I just know I don’t trust the guy.
Overall, I think Reid and his family win the hometown dates.
Now let’s talk about Ed! I was SO HAPPY (but not shocked) to see Ed show up! I was never a huge Ed fan but when he showed up I was all ED! THANK GOODNESS! And all the sudden, I wanted Ed to stay and win, even. Maybe I should admit I found out he works for Microsoft this week and he won me over a bit but seriously, I thought Jillian might jump him on the couch. She definitely still likes the guy and I’m really glad he came back and she picked him.
So Jesse and Michael left tonight. No disappointments or surprises. Except of course that she kept Wes around. But I don’t think Jesse or Michael had a shot of being in the finale anyway so no biggie.
As for next week we know something big happens. And it seems to be someone she sees as a front-runner. So I have it narrowed down to Kiptyn, Wes. Maybe Ed. I think it would hilarious if it were Wes. After tonight, I think I would be most disappointed if it were Ed. I don’t know, we haven’t even met his family but I have a good feeling about him. And I know I’ve been harping on Kiptyn or “Kip” as his family called him but something just didn’t feel right with his family.
So I’m on the Reid and Ed train for now. And I wish Jillian would get OFF the Wes train once and for all!
I completely agree with you.
Nothing would make me happier than for the man with the “mechanical problem” to be Wes.
He is a total snake in the grass who is only there for personal gain.
Buh Bye Wes!
[rq=85345,0,blog][/rq]Mystery Solved
ICAM. He even messes up saying, “My girlfriend…. uh, umm, I mean ex-girlfriend….” in the previews. And then he has the nerve to announce to all the guys that once he’s done a little more showboat promoting on the show, he’s outta there. Dude, hes gotta go.
I just can’t believe these other men don’t man up and say, “Jill – don’t be stupid! Wes has SAID HE’S HERE ONLY FOR HIS BAND.” Jake only brought up the gf – but she even MENTIONED the possibility of him only being there for his band. Jake should have taken the opportunity to say, “Well, yes, he’s said he’s only here for his band, but he also has a gf.” So then she’d know there are TWO things he’s lying about. Sheesh.
As for Wes’s family, I didn’t see another man at the table – only chicks. And I’m sorry, but the girls in a dude’s family is NOT going to know about his being a player. If he had brothers his BROTHERS would know – but not sisters and mother. so of course they talked him up as being honest and open. Gah! So frustrating.
I think it’s Ed that has the problem next week. She’s VERY excited he’s back, so I can see her building this up (and him as well) only to experience issues.
[rq=91344,0,blog][/rq]Productive Day? Not Quite!
Would it matter? Jake flat out confronted him about the girlfriend and that still did not matter. Jillian is determined to find out for her own. And plus, she loved that band and probably wants to promote it too at this point. She’s probably thinking as long as he’s in it for the right thing now, she’s ok with him moving forward.