This weekend was not in the least everything I hoped it would be. In some cases more, but in many, it well, just wasn’t anything I wanted.
The siding didn’t go in Thursday, Friday OR Saturday as I had hoped. Scheduling issues and the rain really put us off. Scott worked his tail off working on the electrical and HVAC though so it wasn’t a total loss of weekend as far as the house was concerned. And in fact, we had a good friend give us LOTS of stuff needed for the HVAC so I’m so grateful for that.
Saturday we attended Dani’s son’s first birthday party that was themed in The Very Hungry Caterpillar. I hope she blogs about it because it was CUTE. After that, I had many plans to go couponing and errand-running but I was plum exhausted. This first full week of working completely knocked me off my feet. I was lying around like limp rag and was in bed by 8 right after the girls.
And Sunday, well, Sunday was a big pendulum. It started out very low when our pastor announced his resignation. Before anyone thinks something controversial happened, I need to clear up that he simply has some personal issues he needs to work on (again, nothing controversial!) and he needs to step away from full time ministry to do it. I don’t want to be dramatic about this and make it all about me because it’s not. But I’ll just say I’m sad. Really sad. I know God is doing a redeeming work in his life and I’m so grateful that he’s doing what he needs to do. But I’m just sad. He’s been on a sabbatical for a month and I was just telling Scott how much I was looking forward to hearing him speak again. While we aren’t going to that church just for the pastor, I do believe that certain people are anointed to preach and he just has a gift of speaking that you can’t wait to hear again. In the meantime, he’s planning to stay at the church as a member and I’m hoping and believing after a time, he will return as our pastor.
So from that, last night Dani and I attended Cirque du Soleil’s Totem in Charlotte. It was fantastic being able to have a friend to talk through all that’s going on on the way and at dinner and watching the show is so awe-inspiring. I’m always reminded how amazing God is to have created people capable and creative enough to perform what we saw. I came away relaxed and thankful for His design.
So this rainy Monday morning I still feel a little like a dish rag. So many emotions in one weekend. It’s hard that nothing is happening at the house today or probably tomorrow. Our front yard is a big mud hole at the moment. Pretty sure we have a small moat around the addition. But I sat in the driveway this morning and looked at all that had been accomplished, I just felt grateful at how much has been accomplished and that God is still good and He’s still in control and moving in all our lives. What amazing grace.
I thought about you this morning and wondered how things were going with the addition now that the rain has decided to stay longer than it needs to!
That is quite a lot going on. Praying for you! Skype date soon???
Becky recently posted…I pulled out my camera again
Thanks, yes, let’s chat. What about tonight about 9?
So glad I could be part of the happy parts of the weekend! I was thinking the whole time we were watching Totem,”Wow, isn’t it awesome just how creative God is?” I mean the show was awesomely creative and He’s a billion times more so. I’m hoping my top ten post tomorrow will have pics of the party…
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