My blog-friend Anne, aka Modern Mrs. Darcy, has started a monthly link-up for books called Twitterature. The premise of this link-up is to share short, casual reviews of books we’ve been reading.
Sometimes I write full-on book reviews but other times I read and move on. Not because they’re not good, often times because they’re so special I don’t have the proper words. This link-up will give me a chance to share ALL the books I’m reading without having so many book reviews through the month.
The New Testament – Acts – Revelation
Finished up the Bible again and I just can’t recommend it enough. I will say, though, that I enjoyed the chronological read less and won’t be doing that plan again.
Let. It. Go. – Karen Ehman
Trying to track down my “control” word, I read this book. After reading it, I’m not sure I struggle with control in ways others do but definitely found some wisdom in this book, especially surrounding parenting and marriage. If you want an inside look into this book, Melissa Taylor has been hosting an online bible study including videos for the past several weeks.
The Circle Maker Mark Batterson
Looking back on this book, I’m not sure it really taught me anything new about prayer but it sure did encourage me in my prayer life and was a joy to read. Mark’s stories and enthusiasm are hard not to get swept away by. And that’s a good thing.
After these, I started tackling 3 books at once: Pursued by Jud Wilhite, A Confident Heart by Renee Swope and To Walk or Stay by Lara Williams. I usually try to stick to one non-fiction at a time but couldn’t help myself. Hopefully, all three will be knocked off next month as well as some fiction which I’ve sorely missed.
I have SO many books I want to read. I think my Wish List grows by a few books every day. I wish I could read like it was my job or just, you know, read by osmosis or something.
When do you find the time to read?
Heather W. says
I definitely wouldn’t get through as many books if I didn’t use audible. It’s been a life saver. I listen when I’m working, driving, cleaning and even too tired to keep my eyes open. I normally am reading at least one hard copy book and listening to another at the same time.
Amy says
I’m really not good at paying attention to audio. Might have to try a few though to get everything done.
Anne @ Modern Mrs Darcy says
Sigh. I WISH I could read like it was my job! I’d be so good at that. 🙂
Anne @ Modern Mrs Darcy recently posted…Twitterature (March 2013 Edition)
Amy says
You already read so many. I don’t know how you do it!
Kristen @ Joyfullythriving says
Oh, me, too! My reading list grows daily, and I want to read for my job. Until then, I’ll read in all my spare moments…
Kristen @ Joyfullythriving recently posted…$0.50/1 Lands O Lake Butter Coupon
Amy says
Me too. A lot at night for me.
Tammy Perlmutter says
Hi Amy!! How did you get the stars after your titles? Thanks for your reviews! I’ve been trying to read A Confident Heart for months now. Sometimes I think I wait on those kind of books because I want someone to read them with, you know what I mean? Nice to meet you!
Tammy Perlmutter recently posted…Twitterature: March 2013
Amy says
Hi! I just downloaded the icon from icon finder and inserted it like I would any image. I use Live Writer to compose my posts so I think it makes it super easy to manipulate photos around.