Two months ago I put up a post To Bar or Not To Bar trying to determine if we should knock out a wall between our kitchen and dining room.
Most of you confirmed what we were thinking—to bar!
Here’s the before again:
So, Scott has spent the last two months making a bar out of this area.
Much of the time at the beginning was determining what we wanted to do. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out if I wanted all of that side wall gone or not.
Finally, Scott made the decision for me and took a hammer to the wall.
After we lived with it that way, I determined I just couldn’t handle it completely open. It was driving me crazy to walk in and see the side of the countertop. So, we decided on half a wall.
We also have spent much of the two months thinking we’d put another short cabinet back there with glass on both sides. However, after we talked to a cabinet maker we realized it was just too much money. Plus, the open wall let in so much light into the kitchen, we kind of liked it without one.
While the project didn’t take a lot of money, it sure did take a lot of Scott’s labor.
I’m a lucky gal to have a guy that can do all this himself.
So, let me introduce you to our new bar:
We are loving it SO MUCH. Even Lexi, our change-hater, has taken to it quickly. The girls use it to eat breakfast and do homework. When we have dinner guests, the kids sit there. We find that guests congregate around it and it’s opened the rooms up so much.
It’s one of those projects where you just shake your head and wonder why you didn’t do it years ago.
WOW! I totally want this. If only we didn’t have the oven and fridge on that side of the kitchen, I would take a sledge hammer to that wall. Alas.
Katrina recently posted…Is this just January talkin’?
Eh. Who needs an oven and fridge? 😉
Looks great! I’m thinking take that extra black shelf and put it up on the kitchen side of the bar and then those 2 colorful pictures you took down, put them on the wall, one on dining side of the bar and the other on the kitchen side of the bar. That might finish it off! Mom
It looks fantastic Amy!
Love it! I wish I could do something like this in our house, it feels like a dark cave in here sometimes. We have the oven on that wall though 🙁
Bummer! Well, you could do one of those ventless ovens and just knock the top off or something?
Amy, I’m a little late in seeing this post but, I LOVE the new bar!!! It looks like you have a whole new kitchen/dining room.
Becky recently posted…I Didn’t Know
It feels like it! We love it!
I LOVE your couch! And the colour on the walls. I’m such a wet when it comes to colour… I finally broke out the mold and put a rich burnt orange on the wall behind the TV and painted the rest of the downstairs an awesome camel shade (it was too much change for me, so I went to the paint dude and ask him to reduce it to 60%). I LOVE it. I stare at my walls and think, “I love this! I love being in my house!”
Jenn (Student Mom) recently posted…What I’ve been up to…
Thanks! Can you believe that couch is 10 years old? It’s been the best couch for us!
Your walls sound wonderful. And that’s how it should be–you should love being in your house!