I’ve loved Fast and Furious from the beginning but admittedly, I haven’t watched every single movie. But still, Dom, Brian and the crew are sort of ingrained as part of my pop culture life. And let’s just be honest with each other–cute boys and fast cars are hard to resist.
It’s hard to believe 5 sequels in they could deliver all the goods. A solid storyline, riveting car scenes, nail-biting fights and characters you can’t help but love.
This particular sequel boasted strong themes of love and family that hearken back to the original and if you’ve ever loved the franchise, this is a must-see.
If you’ve seen it, let’s hit the comments because there were a few things I was confused about.
So, Hidden Valley ranch dip isn’t new and it probably is on a bunch of people’s bad list (including my own) but I have not been able to find a ranch dip recipe to make at home that tasted good. So I buckled and got the ranch dip mix and we loved it. So yeah, good or bad, I’ve been into it.
After taking the Shoot Fly Shoot Photography 102 class (see sidebar), I was convinced I needed a new lens and Scott got me one for Mother’s Day. And I think the guys were right–I have been LOVING my new 50mm lens. It’s been perfect for my WIWW posts and would be great for anyone wanting to take portraits. I’m sure it’s good for other stuff to but I feel woefully unqualified to tell you. Hit Josh or Kevin up on Twitter or email, I’m very sure they’d love to answer any questions you have.
To go along with the new 50mm, I picked up a lens remote and holy cow does this make my life easier. Now I can pop my camera on my stand and snap as many photos as I want without annoying my family. It’d be great if you want to try your hand at family photos and you want to be IN the photos and not have to get up and down to keep setting the timer.
I’m linked up to What I’m Into at Leigh Kramer’s blog
Is that the same class Anne Bogel took? It looks like something I’d benefit from.
What a nice Mother’s Day gift from your husband. Have fun with the new lens.
Yes, that is the same class. Shoot Fly Shoot guys are great!
great movie! watched it over the weekend.
I haven’t kept up with Fast & Furious either but you’re right about the allure of bad boys and fast cars. Oh wait. You said cute boys. Same thing. 😉
I haven’t tried this homemade ranch yet but it looks promising. No judgment if you stick with Hidden Valley though! http://www.day2dayjoys.com/2012/07/ranch.html?m=1
I’m jealous of your camera remote. Sigh. This makes me want to invest in a digital SLR. Someday! Thanks for linking up with What I’m Into!
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