I need to go surface-level today—some good ‘ol girl talk. I turned 35 this year so I’m as Mid-30’s as you can get. I’m still on the uphill climb to 40, as they say, but it’s clear we’re getting close. I’m not old by any calculation, but I am older and I’m starting to see some changes I thought we could bond over today.
The whole aging-changing-body thing really hit home recently when I realized my eyelids are changing. Now when I blink, I can feel extra skin. Like, what is that?? No one told me to expect I’d have droopy eyelids by 35. I can’t put on eyeshadow like I used to because it looks all funky and wrinkly towards the center of my eye. I’ve never considered plastic surgery but believe me, when I have a 2nd eyelid completely formed, I will have it removed.
And while we’re on the face, let’s talk about those creases between my eyes. I look like I’m constantly mad or confused. Even though I always said I wouldn’t, I told Scott the other night I needed Botox so I didn’t look so upset all the time. I always scoffed at the Botoxers but y’all, I don’t like looking mad all the time! The only way to rectify this is to lift my forehead up and smile and y’all, that is not an easy resting face to maintain. Let me just tell anyone that sees me in real life that I am not mad, just aging.
Can we talk about hair? I swear. Chin hair?! I can’t even.
My hair has been graying for years, but I now have full-on streaks. They’ve been hiding underneath, but in my latest headshots, I can see them right on top. I refuse to color it though because my plain brown is so hard to mimic. I’m holding on to my gray-streaked brown hair, people!!
And what is with my neck? My jaws are starting to drop no matter how much I weigh and I have a bunch of wrinkles starting to show up on my neck. My moisturizing routine keeps getting lower and lower and now I realize why the Mary Kay lady always wanted me to do my face AND neck, even at 19. I should have started on this sooner!
My arms are starting to do the wave. No longer do I have naturally toned upper arms.
And my hands! My hands have way too many lines in them. Emma actually turned my hand over the other day and asked what all the lines were from! Old age, honey! Sometimes I just stare at the girls hands thinking of the long-gone days of soft, supple skin on my hands.
My boobs are well, heading south, but that started way back in the nursing days and y’all, I might actually be glad to have small ones because they won’t make it very far. They’ll be flat but they won’t get caught in my belt.
My hips keep spreading outward while my thighs are looking more and more like cheese.
Even my knees are aging for goodness sakes. I looked down at my knees a few years ago and realized the skin was sagging. I mean, why don’t people warn you of these things?!
People. Tell me this is normal. If you are mid-30’s or older, what secrets do you have to stop all this mess? What other fun stuff do I have to expect? Lay it on me, I’d rather know now.
Yes, just yes. A few months back I talked to my hairdresser about why my hair was so dry and she said: “well when women reach a certain age…” WHAT? I’m entirely too young for that statement all together!
Also, I swear my lips are thinning, I always want bolder lipstick because I’m concerned they’e facing away altogether. I used to get away with plain ol burts bees but now? Naked lips are my enemy.
Leanne Penny recently posted…Hope and Acorns
I hadn’t noticed the drier hair but now that you say something…in my case, it’s a good thing because my hair has always been on the oily side. Maybe one good development??
Glad you can relate 🙂
I’m a year older than you…and I’ve been noticing some of those things for a few years now! My only difference is the gray hair…I’m lucky enough that mine doesn’t yet show much yet (before I color it, that is!) I am glad to know that I’m not the only one with the droopy eyelid issue!
Stacey recently posted…The Week in Photos: Bipolar Weather
The droopy eyelids are downright annoying!
Yes, these signs that we are getting older are no fun. I just turned 37 and I guess the two biggest things I’ve noticed are more grays and a wrinkly forehead. The forehead drives me nuts….I need to look into some good night creams (and anything else) that will help with this!
I have no secrets to stop (or hide) the aging, I guess we just have to find ways to age gracefully!
Agreed! I’ve been ignoring my Mary Kay aging creams, but I need to start paying attention.
Sue (64 yrs old) and myself are having a good laugh right now after reading this! Just wait it gets more fun. For instance, wait till you can’t see stuff anymore – your daggum arms aren’t long enough. Oh yeah, and I’ve been too embarrassed to tell you and your sister that I’ve been shaving my chin for years now, just ask your dad. Oh sweetheart, you are going to age like fine wine just embrace it. You are beautiful inside and out! God made those gray hairs so people automatically know you have wisdom! Love you! Mom
Oh geez, I’m signing up for hair removal now!
Ugh… I’m 34 and I hear ya! I’ve always been a low-maintenance gal when it comes to a beauty routine, but its seems like that’s not going to cut it anymore. I have those awful “mean” wrinkles too…I promise I’m not scowling all the time!
Sarah @ Beauty School Dropout recently posted…A day in the life
I know, I think I need to get serious about the eye cream 🙂
31.5 … and a little scared of what is to come! Hey, at least being chunky hides some wrinkles. 😉
Vanderbilt Wife recently posted…This Is Me.
Yeah, it started right about then. At least you’re a little prepared now 🙂
I feel like I need my house to sell now so I can start saving for all of this surgery I’m going to need. I can relate to the gray/dry hair, wrinkles and jaws. Heavens I need to marry rich. ha!
I’m going to be 36 this year, and I hate aging. I realized I’m no longer a spring chicken now that guys don’t check me out like they used to:/ I’ve been getting botox for 3 years now on the sides of my eyes to prevent/ smooth the crows feet and I had the same problem with the whole frowning thing so I fixed that. I don’t lose weight as easily as I did, and yes I hate my thighs. I feel like my nose is getting bigger and I have the marionette lines which I cannot stand. All in all, I’m trying to prevent this body (building) from collapsing. I don’t know how these women in their 40’s look so damn good, and I’m just scared I won’t be able to feel as confident or beautiful when I get there if I’m already having to fight to keep from losing my last bit of youth. 🙁