This chapter is the practical finish to the book. So you’ve read all these and ready to be radical? These are David’s how-to’s called the Radical Experiment. For one year:
1. Pray for the entire world – I need to get better at this. I pray throughout the day but I really need to have a dedicated time of prayer and dedicate a portion of it to this.
2. Read through the entire word – I read the Bible in 90 Days nearly 2 years ago and still it is one of my favorite things I’ve ever done. I want to do this again in the next year. I think after I’m done judging for the INSPYs in the first of December that I’ll tackle this head-on.
3. Sacrifice your money for a specific purpose – Starting the envelope system was a big part of this one so I feel like we’re off to an excellent start. I’m still stuck on which specific purpose to go at and so far have been spreading ourselves thin. Really need to pray with Scott on what this is going to look like. And I have to be honest, right now, Christmas is our specific purpose and that is certainly the opposite of what he meant.
4. Spend your time in another context – I have some thoughts on this that I’m still working through. I’ve rewritten this point several times and I just don’t feel peaceful about publishing it yet. Just suffice it to say I’m definitely going to do this in some aspect.
5. Commit your life to multiplying community – Obviously we love our church and I love bringing new people to it.
Before I say what I’m going to say next, I want to say that this book truly did open my eyes to the American Dream mindset. To really think about the world and not just “my corner” as TD Jakes would say. I think long and hard before I spend money. I can rarely buy anything without thinking about how many Africans would have water instead. I haven’t quit thinking about going overseas in some capacity. This book IS challenging.
I have to say when I got to this chapter, I was like, oh, that’s all I need to do? I mean, after all the dramatics through the book it just seemed so…Sunday School answer. I don’t mean to demean what he has to say but isn’t this basically saying go to church, pray, read your Bible and give your money and time? I mean, that doesn’t sound that radical to me. It sounds like every single Sunday School answer I’ve ever heard the last 30 years of my life.
The difference he’s asking us to actually DO IT.
We all (well, all us “churched folk”) have the Sunday School answer but so many of us never follow through. How many of us have actually read the entire Bible? When’s the last time you went on a missions trip or even the local homeless shelter? Do you give above your tithes or even your tithe? Do any of us actually pray every day? I’m not just asking you, I’m asking me too. And a lot of the answers aren’t pretty.
So as I finish out this book, I’m committing to these things.
For reals.
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