I watched her, that one mother, chase her fiery boy around the kitchen. He was too busy to eat the tiny chunks of hamburger she had prepared. They had an audience and I wondered if she wished he would just listen when she told him to sit down.
And I saw her, that other mother, take her blond preschooler by the hand and her toddler on the hip and walk from her car into the store. I wondered what it was they needed so badly she had to make the trek with the two on her own.
I saw that one too, with the toddler with the curly blond locks as she put her into the car seat in the back seat on the driver’s side. I heard the protests from across the parking lot and watched her switch her to the car seat on the passenger side where the booster seat waited. All grown up, she was trying to be.
I listened as that mom in the aisle told her daughter not to touch anything and break it or she might have to beat her. I smiled because I could tell she would never do that. We all have our ways of getting our points across, don’t we?
I heard the joy in that one mom’s update when she posted a picture of her two kids loving each other well. I know from experience those moments are to be celebrated.
I could hear the laughter when I read that update from the other mother telling a story of what her little one said that morning.
I sensed the beams of pride as that other mom showed “just one more” picture of her daughter at prom.
Moms, I’ve been watching. I wondered if what they said was true. That you’re brave, and strong, and loving, and wise. That all you really want is the best for your little ones. That you’ll brave supercenters and waiting rooms to make sure your kids have what they need.
And it’s all true. I’ve seen it more times than I can count.
You really are the heroes. The cheerleaders. The doctors. The chefs. The teachers. The cleaners. The judges. The artists. The wranglers. You do it all and you do it for love.
Thank you.
Know that we may be watching from the sidelines but we see you in the race, fighting for every step and we’re cheering you along. Do the thing. Finish the race. It’s worth it.