I know it’s Wednesday and I really should be doing my WIWW post but the truth is, I only managed to get two pictures this week and one of them was too blurry to use.
What I’ve really been wearing is a bunch of paint.
Last week I told you about the water leak that we had in the girls’ room.
The house has totally been turned upside down since then. OK, at least half of it.
The girls both agreed that it really was time for the two of them to have separate rooms. The insurance company agreed we had to replace the carpet in their room so we have had to completely launch into renovation mode between the two rooms.
We had massive fans in two parts of the house for 3 days so we had to throw together a new room for the girls from the guest room. We removed the queen bed from the guest bedroom and unbunked their bunkbeds to use in there for now.
Scott had to throw in some closet organizers since we’d never installed those since the addition two years ago (I know). You can still see the white section of the wall in the picture below where we’ve never repainted where that was previously a window.
The plan is for Lexi to use this room. She’ll keep one of the twin beds in there and Emma will take the tall dresser to her room.
Lexi has chosen to keep the same bedding but wants to paint the walls a bright blue color. But before that, we’ve had to get Emma’s room settled.
The insurance company is replacing the carpet in the girls’ old room which will be Emma’s new room.
You might remember two years ago we repainted the girls’ room bright green after we put the addition on the house and the girls moved into the room.
Well, since then the beds have been in at least 3 different configurations and it had turned into one gigantic pig sty.
Since last week, nearly everything has been removed and cleaned out. I’ve had to clean out their bookcase, the huge mess of papers they had around their desk, the stuffed animals, all the clothes, belts and socks in the dressers. I couldn’t tell you how many bags of garbage and donation items I took out of there.
Whew, I’m just tired thinking of it again.
We got rid of the dresser and like I said, removed the bunk beds permanently and will put the queen bed in there with the tall dresser.
After cleaning out, the past few days we’ve been furiously trying to paint before the carpet gets installed.
We are loving this new gray she picked. It’s called Urban Sunrise by Valspar at Lowe’s. It’s so calming and it makes me want to repaint my house in grays instead of golds. Except that would be a huge pain as nearly every wall in my house is some sort of gold color.
You can spy Emma’s new comforter on the chair. It’s colorful as she likes but has some of the gray in it.
Another thing we’re working on is creating a huge white board for her above a built-in desk that’s going to go across the length of that wall. We’re using one of those kits you see at Lowe’s so I’ll let you know how that goes.
Last night we made it to the trim work. It seems like when you start repainting trim you realize the rest of the trim in the house needs painted and you keep doing “one more” section.
So, that’s where all our energy has been going this past week. It’s been crazy but really, it’s been a blessing in disguise. The girls’ room got a much-needed clean-out, they both easily agreed to new rooms, Lexi has been handling all this change like a champ and we’re getting new carpet.
When life hands you lemons, make lemonade–or a white board, as it were.
Wow! It looks wonderful! Can’t wait to see it in person! Last night I realized we hadn’t even spoke on the phone yesterday. We both are crazy busy with our remodeling projects! Mom
Thanks, the gray ended up turning out really nice. No purple in sight. We wanted to do that whole wall the dry erase but it is super expensive.
Amy recently posted…One Week Downstream of the Water Leak
As I said, it was all that green reflecting on it. I think the dry erase is way better like this. I will look and see about that piece I have that would align the wall like a shelf. Also the dry erase part would probably look great with frame around it. I’m going to see if I have a different blind/shade for in her window as well or is she fine with it?
I think it’s fine for now. We’ll see when it’s all together.
Amy recently posted…One Week Downstream of the Water Leak
I’m a big fan of neutral walls in kids rooms, since all their stuff seems to be so colorful. I would have loved that chandelier as a kid. So fancy!
Sarah recently posted…Twitterature, June 2013
I prefer the neutral as well but then again, I don’t mind doing the bright because I think kids’ rooms are a great place to try those out 🙂 I LOVE this gray though.