One of the very first things our case worker told us about Jac0b was that he wanted to play soccer. If you remember, that’s the reason we bought him a soccer ball and gave it to him at our first meeting. You also might remember playing soccer as a family was one of our first activities together during our day visits.
When he was having his final visits with us, I asked if he wanted me to sign him up as the season was quickly approaching. He seemed a little hesitant and said he wanted to think about it.
After he was placed, one of the first things I followed up on was whether he wanted to play soccer. He gave an emphatic yes!
Tonight, he had his first practice.
Y’all, I’m officially a soccer mom! And isn’t he cute in his soccer outfit? That smile!
I know this happens all the time, but it’s so weird to go from not even having a boy to having a boy and playing soccer all within 1 month. I mean, normally there is time to prepare for these things.
I admit, I was anxious about the practice tonight. Scott wasn’t able to go. Would he listen to his coach? Would he participate? What could/would I do if he didn’t? Was this too much too soon?
I should have known better. He’s so great in new situations with new people. He just figures out what’s going on and jumps in.
It was the hottest day of the summer today and besides being a little anxious, I was not looking forward to sitting in 90 degree weather for an hour. I was debating whether to stay or go and if I stayed where I would sit and who I would talk to. The girls were with me and what would they do the whole time? I did not want to listen to complaining the whole time. It’s amazing how I can worry myself into a tizzy.
The practice started and as I said, he jumped right in. The girls and I decided to head down to the snack bar. I figured it would give us something to do and pass the time.
We headed back to the field and there was a bench free for us. We settled in and even took a selfie for Instagram.
All the sudden, Jac0b leaves his team and comes running toward us. I panicked a little. Oh no, here we go. What will I do? Are we done for? Does he hate it already? What am I going to do?!
And then? Then, he gets to us and says, “I found a feather!!!”
I couldn’t believe it. Neither could the girls. Jac0b had a grin on his face from ear to ear.
So I hurry him back to his team and take the picture that you see above. Lexi took the feather in her hand and closed her eyes and said, “Jesus, help us find more feathers.”
What you might not see is that while I’m taking that picture, Jac0b is already running full sprint back to us with a second feather. Do you see him smiling?
Are you kidding me? “That’s the feather I just prayed for!” Lexi said.
And it was blue! A blue feather!
So he goes back and gets with his team and a few minutes later, guess what he does? Comes running back to us with another feather!
What? No way! I couldn’t even believe it. A third feather.
At this point, I was seriously wondering if he had found a dead bird and was just plucking off its feathers. And why aren’t the other boys seeing any of these feathers?
But THEN. He comes back with a FOURTH feather–and it’s blue too!
“Stop it! Just stop it!” I yelled as he was running towards us. I couldn’t believe it. I was having a full freak-out on the soccer field sidelines. If I had been at home, I might have had a full on ugly cry moment.
So, Jac0b is laughing and goes back to his team to finish practice.
The weather is just beautiful. There was some breeze blowing in. The sky was absolutely stunning and it was one of the most beautiful evenings we’ve had lately. Every time I felt that breeze, it just felt like God was passing by. The girls kept themselves busy doing cartwheels on the sidelines and Jac0b was doing great with the team.
As Jac0b’s team is finishing up in a huddle, Lexi is looking towards Jac0b and yells, “Jac0b has another feather!”
I look up and there he is standing outside the huddle holding up another feather in his hand. FIVE. Five feathers.
I can’t even explain anything at this point. Like, what is happening in my life right now?
So Jac0b still has to do devotions with all the teams. We’re in a Christian league where they share the gospel throughout the season.
And guess what the devotion is about? A little orphan boy who felt called to go on a missions trip, but he didn’t have the money. The whole point of it was how he needed faith for God to provide for him. I mean, I wish I would have recorded it because it was exactly what I’ve been saying about these feathers.
As the devotion is going on, the girls run to go get Jac0b something from the snack bar because it’s closing up. Emma comes back and guess what she holds up? A BLUE FEATHER. She found it near the concessions stand.
Guys, WHAT IS THIS? Because I’m not even sure what to do with it anymore.
All I can tell you is God is making it abundantly clear that he’s with us. On a night when I was especially anxious about Jac0b, he totally showed up. There’s just no other way to explain it.
He’s growing my faith like never before and I love that my kids are a part of it too.
And it’s not just our family. I had several more messages even today from others that they’re finding their own feathers. And guys, it’s not easy to find a feather! I even went out on the field after his practice just to see if I could find a dead bird or even another feather. Or something to explain it. Nothing. Several people have told me they’ve been wanting one, even looked for one and couldn’t find one. God keeps placing them in people’s paths unexpectedly. It’s so awesome to watch.
But just remember, it’s not about the feather. It’s about a God who sees you, sees your hurt, your worry, your needs and he wants so desperately to love you and provide for you. He’s saying, I’m here, will you just believe it and let me help?
As I’m typing this, I just got another tweet that another feather was found–floating in someone’s room. Holy cow.
So there, I can’t even pretend to be Ann Voskamp right now and tie a little bow on this.
Oh my gosh!!! Mom
I am literally in tears on how he’s adjusting and all the feathers the family found…so glad he loved soccer and y’all’s relationship is blossoming daily. God is good!
Yes, He is!! And yes, I feel like I’m seeing improvements every day. So much better than even 2 weeks ago.
What a wonderful start!!! So excited that things are going well… beautiful!! Just beautiful!!
Thank you!